Account Information
Account Information. Fees are payed in advance and for a term. All fees are due to the week 2 of the school term. Late fee of $ 10 per student will apply. You can find our Bank details on your invoice. Full name is to be writen into the payment record. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or credit card and send via email. Please note that any bank fees from dishonoured cheques will be added to your fees.
Pay as you Go is avaliable for each Private student. 30 min $40 and 45 min $58.
Make Up Policy
No make up lessons provided for students:
1. go to their sports practice
2. host a birthday party
3. go to a birthday party
4. go on vacation
5. study for school test
6. schedule a medical or dental appointment
7. whatever else they deem more important than their lesson
8. fees are not paid by the due date on the invoice
Make up lessons are provided to students :
Fees are paid in time
Student was seriosly ill Doctor Certificate is Require
Lesson conceled by a Teacher.
Only 2 make up lessons avaliable per Term.
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Next page: Terms and Conditions at Ponds Music Academy